The Vision

Every community starts with one person willing to stand up, step forward, and invite others to join them. There are no shortcuts – progress will come one person and one conversation at a time – and it won’t be easy.

Not everyone will have the courage to engage, be willing to seek truth that may challenge what they’ve always believed, or be able to remain kind when others are not. But if you are even willing to try, you’re invited to become part of the Divided Together movement!

How to Get Started:

  1. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter
  2. Engage by liking, commenting, sharing, tweeting, and retweeting using the hashtag #DividedTogether
  3. When in doubt, follow the motto and value the person behind the perspective!

Reminder: As you do the above, remember this is the opposite of a partisan or party-based movement. We are not here trying to win arguments or promote candidates. We are here to encourage each other to Have Courage, Seek Truth, and Be Kind! Whether right, left, or somewhere in the middle, let’s remove the labels, slogans, and shouting and be known as a non-partisan positive movement of respect, civility, and kindness.

Finally, one final request – If you’d like to be added to our e-mail updates list or may be interested in getting involved with future meet-ups, events, etc. please click the button below to provide your email and let us know what best matches your interests!